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Submit your abstract and get the opportunity to join the Immunology Winter School in Zakopane 2024!

Hír kategóriája: Általános

A cikk kelte: 2023.09.11.


Dear Colleagues,


On behalf of the Organising Committee, we are pleased to extend our warm welcome to you for the upcoming EAACI Immunology Winter School 2024, which will be held in Zakopane, Poland, from 8-11 January. We are excited to have you join us for this exceptional scientific meeting.


We are looking forward to welcoming 70 selected young scientists from Europe and beyond actively working in the field of Basic and Clinical Immunology and Allergy in a friendly and highly motivating scientific environment, which will lead to fruitful discussions on cutting-edge science.


Submit your abstract until 09 October 2023!


This year the outstanding keynotes will focus on the latest advances in these fields:

  • Macrophages, immune metabolism and inflammasomes
  • Resident memory T cells
  • Respiratory microbiome, immunity and the use of probiotics 
  • Innate memory on the single cell resolution
  • Human B cells and antibody responses in both health and disease


The Immunology Winter School 2024 will enable delegates to attend keynote lectures, oral presentations, poster sessions and a practical course on the newest discoveries in immunological mechanisms in the field of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology. 


Junior researchers, who will be selected based on the quality of their submitted abstracts will have the opportunity to share their own work and to interact with the keynote speakers and scientific faculty. Finally, the highly interactive nature of the Winter School provides opportunities for establishing new collaborations and networks.


Before submitting your abstract, please consider the following information:

  • Applicants should submit novel and not previously published data. Please note only a limited number of abstract submitters will be invited to attend and register for the event, based on the scientific excellence of the submitted abstract. Abstracts will be assessed by an expert panel of reviewers. Acceptance of the submitted work is at the discretion of the Scientific Committee.
  • Please note that only one abstract per applicant can be submitted, and this document should be written in English.
  • You will be informed by email whether or not your abstract has been accepted and if you have been selected to participate in the Winter School by the beginning of November 2023 latest.


We are excited to welcome you in the Immunology Winter School 2023!


Website: https://eaaci.org/events_allergy/immunology-winter-school-basic-immunology-research-in-allergy-and-clinical-immunology/